
The Shipping Issue with Online Auto Auctions If you want to sell a car at online auto auctions then there are really only two options to select from. These are eBay Motors and Yahoo car auctions. Since used car sales has such a high level of fraud then more care must be taken to do online auto auctions. So if you plan on selling at these auctions you will need to provide a lot of information

If you choose this option you will have to gather everything you can about your car. You will need to provide a full disclosure regarding the condition of your car. eBay Motors will even provide you with a checklist when listing used cars through their service. Knowing your vehicles VIN or Vehicle Identification Number is the most important piece of information. Since a VIN allows people to check out the history of a vehicle many will not purchase a car without this number being disclosed. Once you have gathered information then all you need to do is prepare a listing a take a lot of photos. For online auto auctions photos are a very important element. Since a person cannot visually inspect a car they will often be attracted to listing that offer more detailed photos.

Perhaps the biggest issue with online auto auctions is shipping. It is a good idea to have a renowned shipping company and an escrow payment so that payment and shipment will come quickly. Shipping is often the point that makes or breaks a sale with online auto auctions rather than the actual sale. When shipping a used car there are a number of things that can go wrong so you should take extra care to make sure the vehicle reaches its destination in as good a condition as possible with no scratches. Otherwise a long history of dispute may start between buyers and the shipping agency you choose.

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